Exploring problem based learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

We are pleased to present an illustration of our practice highlighted in our project #theSTEMproblem which is a result of a three-year Australian Research Council-funded project, where researchers from Monash University and the University of Queensland collaborated with expert teachers from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) and Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE). The project actively positioned teachers as key decision makers about how problem based learning can be used in school-based STEM education. As co-researchers, teachers have drawn from knowledge of their teaching context and critically examined their practice to translate the principles of problem based learning into their STEM teaching. This seminar showcased teacher stories; illustrations of practice. This information is integral to the part of the project’s emerging pedagogical framework designed to support problem based learning in school-based STEM education.


Making a Difference with STEM Based Learning

St Paul the Apostle School has been involved in an incredible STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Journey for many years now. Last year our STEM MAD (Making a Difference) team came up with a wonderful inquiry based project that attracted a lot of attention whilst also winning two State Awards and a National Award in our STEM Making a Difference Initiative.
We would love to showcase our amazing Trash to Fash Project which is now on ABC Education TVs ‘Youth Waste Warriors – Trash to Fash’ Episode hosted by Craig Reucassel as part of the War on Waste Series. An ABC Film Crew and Production Team arrived at SPA on the 20 June 2023 to document out Learning Journey and a short video for ABC Education TV.
We are so proud of our STEM Ambassadors and the way that our staff and children have embraced this type of learning. We really believe that it makes a difference.
Trash to Fash is now available on Iview as part ABC Education TV Youth Waste Warriors Series. Don’t forget Miss V’s (Our STEM Science Teacher)  wonderful show with Joel Creasey ‘A New Leash on Life’ also available on iView
Trash to Fash will be available via the app Iview

Immerse Me

Immerse Me is an online application that we have provided our students to enahnce our Languages Program. View our children learning Italiano in a new and exciting way.

Dear Everyone
On Thursday 18 May 2023, we were involved in the Bridge Inn North District Cross Carnival which was held at Bundoora Park. 
Luckily enough, the sun was shining and all our runners were able to perform at their very best. We had a squad of just under 50 children compete.

We had five runners who finished in the top 10 within their age group (Ivy , Reuben , Ethan , Hudson  and Otis ) meaning they have qualified for the next stage which will be on the 30th May. 

A wonderful achievement and we thank all the children for trying their best